Selling technology is a very specific portion of the overall genre of selling. Sales in itself is often, and in some cases with good reason, known as the “Dark Arts”. Everyone has had some kind of encounter with this, from the persistence of telesales people down to the smooth operator punting a multi-million Rand marketing campaign, we all at some time get exposed to someone trying to sell us something.
The key in all of this is being able to identify what is being sold to us as opposed to the person doing the selling and it is this fundamental concept that forms the basis of our sales philosophy at Comsol. We are in the fortunate position of being able to offer a quality product to our market as opposed to the poor road warrior who tries his utmost to sell an inferior product in order to make his quota.
While this in no way means we can be complacent as a sales division, it does allow us the crucial advantage of being able to engage with customers knowing that what we are offering is truly something that the market wants. It allows Comsol’s sales professionals to show full transparency to customers, secure in the knowledge that our offering is one of quality.
I am a firm believer that sales people can only be truly effective if they believe in the product they are selling and pass this passion on to customers. The metronomic sales person who relies on a tired and worn sales pitch will never be truly effective in the dynamic world of selling technology.....perhaps pencils....but not world class, multi-million Rand networks..
Bearing all of this in mind, I can confidently say that while we may not have divisions of hundreds of salespeople at Comsol and while we may not cut it in the world of selling gym contracts, we certainly do have a focussed, knowledgeable and passionate team of sales professionals who believe in what Comsol as a business offers to the world of Telecommunications. And it is this personality trait as opposed to the generic, silky sales skills of the “pre-owned” car salesman that drives Comsol to even greater success.
Darren Morgan
Chief Commercial Officer